Consider during this time of deciding our fates

The basis of our political system is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government. -- George Washington

As our political representatives hash out 'public' v. 'trigger' options for our health and well-being, we should all be paying attention to their posturing and maneuvers that are not always in the best interests of the 'common' citizenry.

I would like to be consulted on resolving the health care 'crisis' in this country -- I have certainly had enough experience with how medical costs can destroy your life and also have done extensive research on programs that actually work -- designed and operated by real people not pundits and power players, speakers of the House and wheeling dealing Senate sub-committee chairs...

We have to be vigilante lest we lose our freedom to this current over-politicization of our will to decide for ourselves. Too much government is never a good thing, see history.
