Storm the beaches

It's D-Day. American war, finally we are in, and we try to soften up the beach. The Germans were ready for us. We got to the pillboxes, the German machine gun nests, where an American-made grenade was useless; they use a flamethrower and shoot gas and fire into the pill box. The German soldiers would run out, crying in pain. Usually, you would shoot them to stop their suffering. But on these beaches, Normandie, on D-Day, the only reason we were able to advance was because the amount of men we put on the beach.

An American soldier said, "don't shoot 'em, let 'em burn" about the German soldiers in the pill boxes, that's how angry the men were, because we didn't soften up those beaches. You invade with battleships and send every shell you have in your arsenal onto that beach.
We didn't do that because of politics.

We had no resistance. On another beach. Because the Germans didn't think we were coming there.

So men let men burn.

In honor of Veteran's Day this week, 11-11 every year
Thank you for defending our country. For whatever it's worth.
