If the FBI hires high school hackers, or the guy played by Leonardo DiCaprio in that Spielberg movie about the bad check writer - airplane pilot fraud, then why can't some top secret arm of the new world order (or at least a division with benefits) hire me, a master of the medium of television, able to hold the human attention span for 42-46 minutes, who has cultivated the ability to recognize how many frames are out of sync (four tends to be the high end average) and can navigate the stormy seas of production through the rocky roads of post. Not to mention pre-pro, which generally gets neglected, or under-budgeted, or over-emailed.
I want to work for a think tank. I always have. Well, at least since I knew what one was. When I was a small kid (talking grade school here), I actually had this thought: I want to be a CEO.
How odd to those of you who know me now -- because I am as far from a CEO as you can get. But that's why I belong in a think tank.
I want to translate my 'skills and abilities' into something less lethal than freelance work in the entertainment industry in the land of perfect weather and illusory relationships. (I am guilty of a degree of L.A.-itis myself, thinking at the time when I agree, We should get together, that I will have the energy and willpower to actually follow through--when, in actuality, by the time any sort of soiree can even take place (due to scheduling issues in the land of job-no job schizophrenia; when we're working, we can't get together; when we're not, we're either too broke, too worried or too anti-social to put on the happy face and 'get together' -- I do mean it at the time, when I am happy and well-rested, only to go back to bed under the covers when the 'do lunch' time rolls around).
Is it the weather? Is it the plastic surgery? Is it the 405?
I have 'transferable skills' -- I just don't know what they are yet. But if you want a good thinker, I am right for your tank.
I want to work for a think tank. I always have. Well, at least since I knew what one was. When I was a small kid (talking grade school here), I actually had this thought: I want to be a CEO.
How odd to those of you who know me now -- because I am as far from a CEO as you can get. But that's why I belong in a think tank.
I want to translate my 'skills and abilities' into something less lethal than freelance work in the entertainment industry in the land of perfect weather and illusory relationships. (I am guilty of a degree of L.A.-itis myself, thinking at the time when I agree, We should get together, that I will have the energy and willpower to actually follow through--when, in actuality, by the time any sort of soiree can even take place (due to scheduling issues in the land of job-no job schizophrenia; when we're working, we can't get together; when we're not, we're either too broke, too worried or too anti-social to put on the happy face and 'get together' -- I do mean it at the time, when I am happy and well-rested, only to go back to bed under the covers when the 'do lunch' time rolls around).
Is it the weather? Is it the plastic surgery? Is it the 405?
I have 'transferable skills' -- I just don't know what they are yet. But if you want a good thinker, I am right for your tank.
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