FIrst off, I will be brief because who can take themselves seriously evoking feminist studies critical thinking mantras on: how do I feel when being compared to a domesticated beast of burden (I wanna domesticate you — well that could simply be an apron fetish, dunno). Answer: Good luck with that.
Secondly: “The way you grab me/ Must wanna get nasty.” That just seems to me like something I might do to someone who was appealing. It does not compute to rape. That’s a very different code and it has little to do with fun and good-natured desire.
But, I must say, the lyric that cinches it for me is quite possibly the best line of the song — and not just because of the rhetorical question at the end:
…What do we need steam for
You the hottest bitch in this place
I feel so lucky
Hey, hey, hey
You wanna hug me
Hey, hey, hey
What rhymes with hug me?
Hey, hey, hey
YOU THE HOTTEST BITCH IN THIS PLACE is enough to melt every post-feminist’s ice cold heart and ‘what rhymes with hug me?” besides bug me, or shug me and on the rug me? I just don’t know. It probably is a manual for date rape on certain college campuses. I was slightly disturbed when I walked up on the young native cooks and they were laughing about gang rape as a topic, a thing you do.
I don’t know — the subtext could be beholden to some deep dark meaning that is disturbing and awkward before you get into your electric car and drive back over the hill to the next LA oddity. I don’t know if it’s about ‘rape’ per se, but it’s about taking advantage of a super hot but probably not that smart chick, but she wants it too, so it doesn’t matter than he’s a dog. The issue I supposed is ‘I know she wants it” and then something about blurred lines (she says no, but I know she wants it, she’s clearly a nasty girl, maybe even a skank, so I can take her any way I want her and that level of disrespect often leads to cum on her face or her stomach (it makes her submissive to me) and domesticate her, so she’s got a leash and a collar on.
But she’s happy because the loudest line in the song is “You the hottest bitch in this place!"Reply↓
Secondly: “The way you grab me/ Must wanna get nasty.” That just seems to me like something I might do to someone who was appealing. It does not compute to rape. That’s a very different code and it has little to do with fun and good-natured desire.
But, I must say, the lyric that cinches it for me is quite possibly the best line of the song — and not just because of the rhetorical question at the end:
You the hottest bitch in this place
I feel so lucky
Hey, hey, hey
You wanna hug me
Hey, hey, hey
What rhymes with hug me?
Hey, hey, hey