Post-Modern Haiku

Today in haiku for the post-post-modern, neo-nihilist age: 1. In response to who for prez? 2. See blue box. Why can't you tell which is blue and which is red? REV: insert time, can’t find it, even @ 18:56; 3. Re-entry is not possible in the same way you thought of before, in fact, everything has changed but some things are constant yet discerning which can be mind-numbingly tedious, fruitless and without any real value other than self-knowledge, which could ultimately save or destroy said life; 4. The 'most important thing' list changes on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis; 5. If you can get thru 3 of those: live each day well (or at least not miserably for most of it); get something productive done (don't give up, give in to the demons of failure and blockage of dreams); and be nice to one person, especially when you really don't feel like it. Detox on occasion, give away something even if it's kindness or a little love, and don't take yourself too seriously.
