You have thirty seconds and you glance at a web site that catches your eye, solves problems, gives you something in return for your time. Something that's not the inevitable frustration of slipping into darkness, touted as technological advancement.
Part of your soul is chipped. You only have so many hours in a day. You feel bombarded with information, things that are supposed to give you an advantage, but by the time you get to them, you're already in need of new ones.
Filter out the noise. Something new. The next big thing. The place that time forgot. In 45 seconds, the chaos all falls away and you get to breathe. You can see clearly into your unique place in this world.
Musebunker, the safe house of the muses.
Filter out the noise. Something new. The next big thing. The place that time forgot. In 45 seconds, the chaos all falls away and you get to breathe. You can see clearly into your unique place in this world.
Musebunker, the safe house of the muses.
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